Rubrica - DidatticaInterattiva -Interagisci in mobilità ovunque ti trovi

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Questa pagina vuole raccogliere le opinioni e i suggerimenti di tutti coloro che hanno interesse alla “scienza dei dati” e rappresentare un luogo ove si sviluppano analisi statistiche ed econometriche relative ai fenomeni economico-sociali.
Su questa pagina vogliamo lanciare spunti di riflessione sulle tematiche più attuali locali, nazionali ed internazionali.
Accoglieremo articoli scientifici rigorosamente revisionati.
Lanceremo prodotti digitali mirati.
Proporremo libri cartacei ed e-book digitali.
Nel Box 1 viene riportata la procedura attraverso la quale un utente, acquistando un prodotto da DidatticaInterattiva, può disporre, attraverso opportune credenziali, di servizi interattivi innovativi.

Quando si crea un boxplot in R, automaticamente vengono rappresentati graficamente la mediana, il primo e terzo quartile (i due “hinges“, ossia gli estremi del rettangolo) continua
Model between Income and Health

Abstract This manuscript This manuscript presents a study on the relationship between income and health status of a sample of 2107 individuals. The measurements were taken by a medical research on urinary symptoms and questionnaire respondents were also asked the income possessed. The author believes that, in this specific case, the income information are more reliable. It 'was then carried out an analysis of the basic model and a comparison in which is studied the relationship between income and level of education. It should be noted that the study is based on two conditions: first that there is a two-way relationship between income and health status, and the second requiring the "discretization" qualitative variables: health status and level of education

This research presents the relationship between income and health status of a sample of 2107 individuals (statistical units) to whom was administered a questionnaire aimed to identify medical targets and exactly referred to urinary disorders. Continua

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